Nursery School
A nurturing environment and gentle daily rhythm give children the confidence, security, and independence needed as they transition from home to their first phase of school life.
A whole-child approach provides students with the tools necessary for the foundation of academic excellence; sequencing, sensory integration, hand-eye coordination, and appreciating the intricacies of language are just some of the skills fostered in this natural, loving, and creative environment.
Each school day follows a consistent rhythm, so children find comfort in knowing what to expect, while the daily activates offer a diverse wealth of learning experiences through purposeful work and movement. A typical day may include:
Circle-time for finger plays, movement, songs, verses, and rhymes to inspire a love of language and develop fine and gross motor skills
Practical activities such as vegetable-chopping, woodworking, flour-grinding, bread-baking, and care of our classroom and outdoor environment, which supports feelings of belonging, responsibility, and accomplishment
Daily free play (indoors and outdoors), giving each child opportunity to trust their intuition, find inspiration, and solve problems as they create new worlds with their imaginations while connecting to each other and with nature
Daily stories told orally and through puppetry, which introduce a rich vocabulary and build a strong foundation for literacy and sequential thinking
An artistic activity such as drawing, watercolor painting, or beeswax modeling
Aftercare is offered from 1pm - 3pm. See more information about our Extended care Program here.
A snack is prepared and provided by the teachers; parents supply their child with a healthy lunch from home.
See our Tuition Information here.