2020 Transition to First Grade Event - A Tour for Kindergarten Parents

Last week was our Transition to First Grade Event, where families from our Kindergarten Class came to our Grades Campus to learn more about what we offer at the Grades level. Parents were able to meet our Admissions Coordinator, Tal Solomon, one of our Board Co-Chairs, Ivy Dash and Connie Granja, our Marketing and Communications Specialist. Parents also had the opportunity to sit in Ms. Wilner’s 1st Grade Class and observe the 1st Grade in action. Afterwards, parents met with Ms. Wilner and were able to ask questions about the curriculum.

We had a very positive response to this event and are looking to set a date for another day where parents can come. In the meantime, we encourage you to attend our Open House & Student Work Exhibit Event this Saturday, January 25th at 10am at our Grades Campus.

See pictures of our Transition to 1st Grade Event here: