2020 Distance Learning - 6th Grade

On the day before our closure began, the sixth grade came to class in a "monastery" replete with candles, incense, and chanting monks. Here, the students received their first lesson in calligraphy while also learning about the everyday lives of monks during the medieval period. During their weekend they completed Latin and English translations of The Lord's Prayer in Carolingian calligraphy. 

Our first distance learning lesson occurred during our pre-scheduled geography presentation. The previous block discussed the geography of the Silk Road connecting the continents of Africa, Asia, and Europe. The children each chose their own country along the route to research and present upon. The sixth grade this performed their own on-screen presentations on Cambodia, Thailand, Turkey, Japan, and Tibet.

We are continuing with the middle ages in the coming weeks where we will discuss the Crusades, the Black Death, and important figures like Joan of Arc and Eleanor of Aquitaine. The children are reading biographies and works of historical fiction on which they will write and present a book report. 

~Ms. Bowes
