2020: Distance Learning in 8th Grade - Language Arts

In the 8th Grade Language Arts class, students are integrating current events with their virtual lessons. Last week they were studying about pandemic vocabulary, learning to understand the difference between 'contagious' and 'infectious'; 'outbreak', 'epidemic' and 'pandemic', etc, as well as some word etymology. They have learned the history of the word ‘quarantine’ and that it used to mean 40 days set aside for a special purpose, not necessarily keeping an ill person away from other. Additionally, the word 'isolate' comes from 'island' because the first hospitals in Italy were built on islands.

The students created images by drawing, painting or using digital media to represent words and expressions we often hear in the news. Here are a few examples of their work:

Social distancing - homemade paints.jpg
Etymology -- Pandemic Vocabulary Assignment (May 2, 2020 at 1_55 AM) (1) copy.jpg